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Our Allotment Sites

Brackenber Allotments
Brackenber is our biggest allotment site, situated in the Castletown area of Penrith. Apart from allotment plots it is also our designated area for poultry. Brackenber consists of 70 Full Plots, some of which are split into Half and Quarter Plots. There are also 37 Hen Pens.
Folly Lane Allotments
Folly Lane is our second largest site and is located more centrally in Penrith, slightly east of the town centre. It consists of 42 Full Plots which are also split into Half and Quarter Plots.
James Street Allotments
James Street is our smallest site and is also located in the Castletown area of Penrith. James Street consists of 14 Full Plots, some of which are also split into Half Plots and Quarter Plots.
Salkeld Road Allotments
Salkeld Road Allotments sit high above the town with outstanding views of the lakeland fells. Salkeld Road currently consists of 24 Full Plots, some of which are also split into Half and Quarter Plots.

Location Info
Our allotment sites are located in Penrith, the map clearly shows where each one is situated. If you need to get to one of them or are interested in taking on a plot, then please use the map to view their location.
Brackenber, Folly Lane, James Street, Salkeld Road.
Penrith Allotment Association
Promoting allotment gardening for leisure and community.
© 2024. All rights reserved.
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