7:00 PM at Penrith Cricket Club

  1. Welcome & Introductions

The Chair, John Jackson opened the meeting, welcomed everyone, and reminded those present if they wished to speak should raise their hand then give their name, site, and plot number.

  1. Apologies

Anne-Marie Ramsay (Brackenber 12 & 94)

Laura Littleton (Brackenber 81)

Colin Bell (Brackenber 85)

Alan Whittam (Brackenber 67B)

Wilfred and Winifred Logan (Brackenber 48A)

Katie and Luke Searle-Evans (Brackenber 30B)

William and Margaret Soulsby (Folly Lane 36)

Trevor Widdison (24 Salkeld)

  1. Minutes - Matters arising from AGM 13 February 2023

Minutes were agreed as correct, proposed by Gavin Munro (Brackenber 23) seconded by Peter Thornton (James Street 6B).

  1. Chair Report - John Jackson (James Street 4, 5)

This year has been quieter than last year. In April we repaired 2 taps on Folly Lane and 1 on Brackenber has been repaired three times.

In June John (Chair) spoke with Laura Littleton regarding the Annual Show. She is to continue with this, and Laura will be forming a committee, with the support of Nick Bella’s (Brackenber 1) and Gavin Munro (Brackenber 23) all the property was moved into her care.

In October the landlord repaired most of the track around Brackenber although there were insufficient funds to finish it behind the Musgrave Street houses where it is becoming churned up. They also arranged for a large fir tree to be felled in one of the hen pens.

During recent storms a further tree has partially blown down and the landlord is arranging for the tree to be made safe and any branches removed. Some plot holders asked if a skip could be hired to remove any unwanted items/rubbish – John (Chair) clarified this would not happen and it was up to individual plot holders to remove their own rubbish and unwanted items. The Association has a trailer on Salkeld Road site which members were welcome to use.

Last month the Committee agreed to the purchase of 3 lawnmowers, one each for Brackenber, Folly Lane and Salkeld Road.

John (Chair) explained he was approached by a man regarding a complaint of unreasonable behavior, with another plot holder., The Committee is taking legal advice from The National Allotment Society on how to deal with this.

Finally, John (Chair) wished to say thank you to the Committee Members, those who cut grass and to Geoff Bella’s (James Street and Brackenber) who has helped me on many occasions - this received a round of applause from the floor.

Secretary Report - Michelle Jowett (Salkeld Road 21C)

The old waiting list has gone, I have managed to reduce the numbers by letting plots as half or even a quarter. .

There are 5 names waiting for Brackenber. 6 for Salkeld Road. 2 for James Street. 9 for Folly Lane. 13 for Hen Runs. 6 for anywhere.

It is planned to advertise the allotments to enable more names to go on the waiting list, the purpose of doing this is to keep the list active. Annabel Vause (James Street 7) asked why to advertise if there is a waiting list, Michelle explained we need to ensure we have an active list and not be in a position where we have no one wanting an allotment, we also want to be able to manage the list to be able to allocate plots to new members within 6-9 months of them joining the list.

Steve Littleton (Brackenber 80) asked what had happened to the old waiting list? it was explained this list was used despite there not being any dates of when people had joined the list, in some cases, people had changed their minds or moved away,

All are reminded they must give notice if wishing to surrender a plot and should not pass it on to another person. There are still some signed agreements missing from the records, individuals will be contacted directly and be requested to sign for completion of records.

Inspection of plots will commence in May, will be carried out by Chair, Secretary and Committee members. Nick Bella’s (Brackenber 1) asked if there would be a purge and some plots, including some Hen Runs which look unsightly and in poor condition, John (Chair) stated yes, and letters will be sent as necessary, however weather conditions had not helped, and some plot holders are not disposing of rubbish/items on their plots.

Treasurer Report - Mike Cherry (Brackenber 66)

Mike (Treasurer) explained the landscape printout distributed in the room indicates the income for 2023 was less than 2022, this was not the case as 2022 included the additional pest control fee paid on Brackenber.

Maintenance in 2023 included £700 for the track at Brackenber, tap repairs and fuel for lawnmowers.

The 2022 accounts summary was presented at the 2023 AGM whilst the accounts were with the accountant, they came back being correct. The 2023 account summary has been distributed whilst the accounts are with the accountant. Steve Littleton (Brackenber 80) asked how the AGM could sign off the accounts if they are not back, Mike advised we would have to move the AGM to April if it was felt necessary.

  1. 2024 Invoices

John (Chair) reminded everyone these had been sent out in early January and the final payment date is 28th February 2024.

2025 Fees

John (Chair) advised, except for the four center hen runs, there would be no fee increase in 2025. The hen runs 59, 60, 61 and 62, will increase to the same as all other hen runs, £48.

  1. Honorariums - Chair - Secretary - Treasurer

John (Chair) said he will take this year (£125). Secretary agreed she would also take (£525). Treasurer - re confirming his resignation from the role - declined to take (£195), Nick Bella’s (Brackenber 1) said all should take and are entitled to do so for all the work, which is done, encouraging a round of applause.

  1. Election of Committee Members

John (Chair) explained the role and sought names - as listed.

Brackenber Nominated Seconded

Rosalyn Elliott (102) Peter Thornton Annabel Vause

Dan Dinham (84) Nick Bella’s Gav Walling

Anne Marie Ramsay (12) Liz Bulman Mary Volumn

Martin Strand (21, 22B, 62) Steve Littleton Liz Bulman

James Street Nominated Seconded

Annabel Vause (7) Gavin Munro Jackie Lewis

Peter Thornton (6B) Ken Smith Paul Lewis

Folly Lane Nominated Seconded

Jim Ealy (46, 47) Stuart Burns Trevor Crisp

Trevor Crisp Jim Ealey Angela Barnett

Salkeld Road Nominated Seconded

Linda Bell (1, 2) Annabel Vause Gavin Munro

Mark Kitchen (15) Linda Bell Peter Thornton

  1. Election of Committee Officers

John (Chair) advised the treasurer (Mike) has resigned. There was no response from the floor to replace him. John (Chair) explained, following placing of an advert for a new Treasurer on notice boards, Facebook page and on the Council website, we received one response from Trevor Widdison (Salked Road 24). Trevor attended a committee meeting and explained his experience and qualifications, the committee support his application. Was formally nominated by Mary Volumn and Seconded by Peter Jowett.

Michelle (Secretary) prepared to continue - no replacement volunteers. Formally nominated by Annabel Vause and Seconded by Gavin Munro.

John (Chair) advised he would like to stand down - no replacement volunteers - accepted will continue for 1 more year and wanted it minuting as a year’s notice and will not stand at AGM 2025. Formally nominated by Nick Bella’s (Brackenber 1) and seconded by Steve Littleton (Brackenber 80).

  1. Election of Trustees

Michelle (Secretary) explained the role and Gavin Munro confirmed as a Trustee you may be required to sign the lease agreement on behalf of the association.

Gavin Munro (Brackenber 23) - will stand for 1 more year only. Nominated by Des Haines (Brackenber 22A) Seconded by Annabel Vause (James Street 7)

Nick Bella’s (Brackenber 1) - will stand for 1 more year only. Nominated by Peter Jowett (Salkeld 21) and Seconded by Ken Smith (Brackenber 25)

Ken Smith (Brackenber 25) - asked if could become an apprentice trustee. Nominated by Des Haines (Brackenber 22A) Seconded by Nick Bella’s (Brackenber 1)

Becky Scott (Brackenber 83) - volunteered. Nominated by Dan Dinham (Brackenber 32B 33A) Seconded by Anne Marie Ramsay (Brackenber 12).

  1. Any Other Business

Des Haines (Brackenber 22A) wished to thank for repair of track at Brackenber but asked if more could be done behind the Musgrave Street houses. John (Chair) will arrange to speak with the Council.

Martin Strand (Brackenber Brackenber 21, 22b, 62) asked if the residents on Musgrave Street who have garages on the track, could be asked to contribute. John (Chair) will put this request forward to the Council.

Anne- Marie (not a plot holder) asked if local business sponsorship had been considered, for example Jenkinson’s. John (Chair) advised the committee the committee would investigate this.

Stuart Burns (Folly Lane 13,14b) described problems with the center track at Folly Lane and asked if any gravel could be acquired, mainly for the center hump section. John (Chair) advised we would need to contact the council.

Steve Littleton (Brackenber 80) asked who would have access to the new lawnmowers and how would fuel be acquired. John (Chair) advised they will be kept in community sheds, accessed via committee members, or designated users who will also arrange purchase of fuel. Steve asked about strimmer’s – John (Chair) advised we currently have no strimmer’s that are working, and we won’t be buying any more.

Nick Bella’s (Brackenber 1) asked if the council litter bin, used also for dog waste bags, could be moved from beside the wall next to his plot to the other side of the footpath. John (Chair) advised council have this in hand to do.

Martin Strand (Brackenber 21, 22b, 62) asked about the rising water table on Brackenber, this year the bottom half has been standing in water. Liz Bulman (Brackenber 19a, 20, 93a) said she had some photographs – John (Chair) asked if she could email the photographs to himself and Michelle (Secretary), she also said the center path at the bottom had been standing in water. Ken Smith (Brackenber 25) on the edge of the track opposite the hen runs advised his greenhouse had 6 inches of water in the bottom for several weeks. Mike Cherry (Brackenber 66) said when on a previous plot had thought could grow rice in the standing water. John (Chair) explained he had not been in situ when previous work had been carried out to the drains, a joint inspection would be arranged with us and the Council.

John (Chair) - said had been asked about lagging of taps to enable use during the winter, this was not going to be done, those present agreed Hen Run holders are able, on the extreme days when the water is off, to transport water or break ice on their own storage supplies.

Linda Bell (Salkeld Road 1,2) asked about repair of the highway by the entrance to Salkeld Road, John (Chair) advised council do have this in hand.

  1. Date of Next Meeting

Scheduled for second Monday in February 2025.

Monday 10th. 7pm.

Details will be confirmed on the 2025 invoices.

Meeting closed at 20:29 hours.