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Amended (AGM) 2023
Allotment Plot Rules
1.0 Annual rent is due on or before the 28th February each year, this includes membership of the National Allotment Association.
1.1 To use the allotment plot as an allotment only for the growing of vegetables, fruit, and flowers and for no other purpose.
1.2 In terms of cultivation the allotment plot must be clean, free from weeds, well manured and in a good state of cultivation.
1.3 Plot holders must not dig up or obstruct any pathways between the plots. The paths must be kept free from weeds and the grass cut.
1.4 Plot holders should not cause or permit any nuisance or annoyance to the occupier of any other allotment.
1.5 Plot holders must not use any abusive or threatening behaviour on site be it physical or verbal to members of the public, other plot holders or committee members.
1.6 Plot holders shall not underlet, assign or part with possession of the allotment or any part of it without the written consent of the Association otherwise this could result in the plot holder being removed from the allotment and losing their tenancy agreement.
1.7 Not without the written consent of the Association a plot holder shall not cut or prune any timber or other trees or take, sell, or carry away any mineral gravel, sand, earth, or clay on any plot.
1.8 Plot holders shall keep every hedge that forms part of the plot properly cut and trimmed. Keep in good repair any fences and gates on the plot and to use the tenant’s best endeavours to protect any other hedges, fences or gates situated in the allotment site of which the said plot form’s part or any adjoining land,
1.9 Plot holders shall not, without the written consent of the Association, add any building or green house on the allotments subject to a size limit of 8 [2m x 4m] square metres with a maximum height of 3 metres. Poly tunnel maximum size of 8 metres long and 4.5 metres wide at the base and 3 metres high, such a structure to be removed by the tenant at the end of the tenancy.
1.10 Plot holders shall not use barbed wire or other sharp pointed or jagged materials for a fence adjoining any path set out by the Association for the use of occupiers of the allotment plots.
1.11 Plot holders shall not, without the written consent of the Association, plant any trees, apart from fruit trees.
1.12 Plot holders shall not deposit or allow other persons to deposit on the allotments any refuse or decaying matter [except manure and compost in such quantities as may be required for use of cultivation] or place any matter in hedges or ditches on the allotment site or adjoining land.
1.13 All dogs coming onto Allotment Sites must always be kept on a lead, owners must clean up after their dogs removing rubbish from the sites.
1.14 Animals or livestock of any kind shall not be kept on the allotment plot.
1.15 Plot holders shall not erect any notice or advertisement on the allotment sites without the written consent of the association.
1.16 The plot holder must erect a clear visible number on their plot
1.17 The Association shall have the right to refuse admittance to any person other than the plot holder or a member of their family to the allotment sites unless accompanied by the plot holder or a member of their family.
1.18 Any case of dispute between plot holders shall be referred to the elected Association Committee whose decision shall be final.
1.19 Plot holders must inform the Association immediately of any change of address, including telephone number and if possible email address.
1.20 An Officer or Committee Member of the Association shall be entitled, at any time, when in accordance with their duties, to enter and inspect an allotment plot or hen pen.
1.21 Watering Sprinklers can be used on the allotments only when the plot holder is present, no sprinklers are to be left unattended.
1.22 Plot holders, where possible, should consider installing a water butt to help save water and support climate change.
1.23 No one should take anyone else’s produce or property from any plot without the plot holder's permission.
1.24 No one should remove anything from a vacant plot including sheds, greenhouses, plants, crops etc unless permission is granted from The Committee.
1.25 Fires - The lease and Tenancy Agreement does not permit fires to be lit on any of the four allotment sites.
1.26 Plot holders should look at using compost bins to dispose of vegetation rubbish.
1.27 The Association has equipment on all sites except for James Street, the equipment is serviced annually and maintained throughout the growing season. A fee will be charged to cover the supply and servicing costs. This equipment may be borrowed by plot holders, for use on the allotments and used at the holders own risk.
1.28 Any Committee officer, Committee member or plot holder carrying out any work for the Association, which is likely to incur cost, must have approval from a Committee Officer before the work is commenced. Receipt(s) and/or invoice(s) must be submitted for payment within 28 days of the work being completed.
1.29 Changes to the Rules will be discussed and agreed at Committee Meetings.
Hen Pen Rules
2.0 All hen pens must be kept clean and tidy and not to store large amounts of metal or wood etc.
2.1 Sheds with wooden floors must be lifted 45cm (18”) to 61cm (2 foot) high.
2.2 Only hens, Pigeons, fowl, and bees are allowed in these pens.
2.3 Fences must be maintained to stop livestock entering or escaping into neighbouring pens.
2.4 All food stuff to be stored in sealed bins and PLEASE DO NOT FEED LIVESTOCK ON THE GROUND. Use feeders and make sure they are lifted off the ground.
2.5 Tenants must provide their own vermin control. Since the change in the licensing of poisons it is impossible for the association to provide it under the new laws.
2.6 Hen pen holders must comply with all legislation and guidance, relating to the keeping of the animals kept, including any changes introduced by the Government or their agencies, for example Bird Flu.
Penrith Allotment Association
Promoting allotment gardening for leisure and community.
© 2024. All rights reserved.
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