Welcome to penrith allotment association website **beta version***If you experience any problems with this website please let us know. thechair.paa@gmail.com
Amended (AGM) 2023
1. The name of the association will be Penrith Allotment Association.
2. The Aims and Objectives of the association will be:
2.1 The association shall exist as a non-profit organisation which assists all members to promote allotment gardening as a leisure pursuit and promote the interest of plot holders.
2.2 To cooperate with local authorities and other organisations for the benefit of all plot holders.
2.3 To ensure the good management of the sites according to the agreement with Penrith Town Council as the Landlord.
3. Official communication shall normally be received and signed on behalf of the association by the Secretary or as appropriate by the Chair or Treasurer.
4. Membership.
4.1 All plot holders on the sites will be members of the Association.
4.2 All plot holders will sign the tenancy agreement and are bound by the association rules.
4.3 The Chair, Secretary and Treasurer shall keep a register of all Members within data protection laws including the following: -
Name and address
Email address
Phone number
Site and plot number
Note Information held by the association shall not be disclosed to any third party.
4.4 Members must notify any changes of contact details in writing to the Secretary, members can also request to view details kept appertaining to themselves.
4.5 Membership of the association ceases if:
The member is no longer an allotment holder
Notifies the Secretary in writing of their resignation from the association.
Non-payment of the annual rental charge if after a period of 2 months elapses after it has become due and remains unpaid.
Expulsion of a member (see rule 4.6)
Any termination of tenancy for poor cultivation following 2 letters in consecutive months.
4.6 A member may be expelled from the association for any conduct detrimental to the association, i.e., failure to comply with the rules or threatening behavior. A notice specifying poor conduct shall be received by the Member at least one calendar month prior to expulsion and if no appeal is received by the Committee or its representative.
5. The Committee will consist of 3 Officers and 10 Members:-
Members, 4 representing Brackenber Site, 2 representing Folly Lane Site, 2 representing James Street Site, 2 representing Salkeld Road Site.
5.1 All Committee officers and Members must be plot holders.
5.2 The plot holders and members of the association elect officers, in order,
The Chair
The Secretary
The Treasurer
at the Annual General Meeting. They will be elected every year. If the current post holders are willing to stand unopposed, they shall be elected for a further year.
5.3 If there are other nominations for any post, the nominees shall be asked to leave the room and a show of hands of those present at the AGM will be counted. A simple majority shall uphold the vote. The Chair (or Secretary if it is for the office of Chair) will then confirm the appointment of the person.
5.4 The Chair, Secretary and Treasurer will not use their votes for officers. Unless the voting is tied in which case the casting vote will fall to the Chair or the Secretary if the vote is for the appointment of the Chair.
5.5 Committee members will be asked at the AGM if they wish to continue, and if so need to be seconded by another plot holder.
5.6 New Committee members may be proposed at the AGM and seconded by another plot holder and then voted upon.
5.7 The Committee officers (minimum 2) and members (minimum of 4) will meet at least once a month during the growing season (April to September).
5.8 The Committee will have the power to co-opt and fill vacancies as required.
5.9 The Committee Officers (minimum 2) will meet on a regular basis, with Committee Members, Trustees or Plot holders, as required.
6. An Annual General Meeting will be held prior to invoices being due, when at least 28 days’ notice will be given. Reports will be presented, and voting will be by show of hands with the Chair having a casting vote. The minutes of the AGM will be confirmed as an accurate record at the next Committee meeting.
6.1 Any changes to the constitution will be fully discussed and agreed at regular Committee Meetings prior to the Annual General Meeting, where they should be approved, by a majority vote before being accepted.
6.2. Anyone wishing to speak at any meeting, stand for a role, nominate or second a nomination must give their name, site and plot number in the first instance.
6.3. Trustees will be asked at the AGM if they wish to continue, if so they only need to be seconded by another plot holder. New trustees may be proposed at the AGM and seconded by another plot holder and then voted upon.
7. The committee is empowered to open and operate bank account(s) in the name of the Association.
All cheques will require 2 signatures -
Signatories will be agreed by Committee
8. Dissolution of the Association will be agreed at an EGM with 66% majority of members. Any remaining association funds to be donated to a Charity voted at the EGM.
Proposed amendments to the constitution may be made in writing to the Secretary.
Below are the roles of the association committee:
Chair - is the representative of plot holders - chairs meetings, is involved with membership issues.
Secretary - acts as a Site Secretary, keeps records of meetings, has charge of records, acts as liaison between association and Allotment Officers, should be advised of matters affecting sites, be responsible for plot lettings and rent collection (isn’t obliged to collect rents personally).
Treasurer - keep records of all financial transactions. Ensure accounts are correct and available to the committee and for the AGM. Act as financial advisor in expenditure of association funds.
Committee Members - assist with the smooth running of the association, acting as a liaison between plot holders and the Chair.
Trustees - if required, to audit accounts and be called on for advice. Trustees cannot be committee officers or committee members, they must be plot holders and will be removed as a trustee if they are no longer a plot holder.
Penrith Allotment Association
Promoting allotment gardening for leisure and community.
© 2024. All rights reserved.
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